Business Register is a frame of establishments along with additional information belonging to the respective subsectors such as trade, hotels, restaurants, transport, storage, communication, real estate, Legal & business services, industry, factories and all other activities engaged in the production of goods and services that add value to the state income. As notified by Government of Rajasthan in 2016, any business entrepreneur setting any type of business in Rajasthan state has to get Business Registration Number (BRN)/(SAN). To automate the process of Business Registration, BR portal is developed by NIC Rajasthan through which Registration process is simplified and automated for the citizens. Business entrepreneurs may register their business entity ‘BR’ portal. Portal is integrated to Single Window System of the state and to the other registering authorities to minimize the movement of paper documents. In 2018, Government further issued directions to extend the facilities to NGO/VO for taking BRN.

A circular dated 3-1-2023 has been issued by Chief Secretary, Rajasthan to implement the Business Register as “Sanstha Aadhaar” in the State. As per the guidelines, now all Govt. departments, Boards/ Corporation/ Autonomous Body/ Non-government organizations and all enterprises including private enterprises must have to be registered in “Sanstha Aadhaar” to get sixteen digits unique sanstha aadhaar number. All type of benefits /services/ subsidies shall be given by “Sanstha Aadhaar”.

Sanstha Aadhaar Number (SAN) is the unique ID given to all Govt. departments, Boards/ Corporation/ Autonomous Body/ Non-government organizations and all enterprises including private enterprises established in Rajasthan. Such a database when complete will be an integrated platform for all institutions and will be used for planning and monitoring by the government. All type of benefits /services/ subsidies shall be given by “Sanstha Aadhaar”.

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Last Update: May 6, 2024